


2021年3月11日,星期四 - 上午9:00

活动:CSR和Pro Bono故事


Taproot Foundation和Deloitte共同创建Pro Bono +包容性领导作为为企业提供免费资源,这些企业展示了德勤如何利用Pro Bono作为帮助发展包容性领导特征以及其他公司如何做到这一点的一种方法。

德勤致力于培养每个人都可以联系,属于和成长的环境。该组织的Bono服务计划的广泛投资组合已成为这些努力的关键驱动力。Pro Bono服务是德勤社区影响策略的核心;雷竞技改名字该组织为专业人员提供了参加一系列产品的机会,从每年的服务日到多周的基于团队的活动,再到沉浸式国际项目。德勤(Deloitte)的许多无偿倡议与组织的更广泛的员工发展,参与和包容性重点保持一致,例如桥接资深 - 西维利亚人的鸿沟和多元化的劳动力管道。

德勤(Deloitte)在组织中具有战略性的领导角色,以连接人才发展,包容性和无偿服务。Patrick O’Donnell, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer and principal for Deloitte & Touche LLP, and Dr. Kwasi Mitchell, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer and principal for Deloitte Consulting LLP, each lead both DEI and pro bono efforts. “It’s been exciting to explore how this alignment between DEI and Corporate Citizenship can help us support more organizations that are building leaders from diverse backgrounds and build more empathetic, inclusive leaders within Deloitte,” Mitchell says.

通过这种内部结盟,德勤(Deloitte)针对其无偿服务计划中新兴领导者的特定包容能力的发展,同时使这些专业人员有机会对社区产生有意义的影响。雷竞技改名字从德勤企业公民团队的角度来看,这种联系对于最大化共享价值至关重要。“Pro bono uniquely complements corporate inclusion strategies, and if we explicitly cultivate that partnership, we’re not guessing about what value we drive—we’re working together to determine what it looks like,” says Doug Marshall, Managing Director of Corporate Citizenship for Deloitte Services LP. Empowering diverse voices to contribute their unique perspectives strengthens the organization by unearthing opportunities for decision-making and innovation. O’Donnell and Mitchell have both seen that partnership pay off, observing how pro bono service can build inclusive leadership traits. “Pro bono and skills-based volunteering projects provide Deloitte professionals with hands-on learning experiences that also amplify the inclusive leadership competencies they can—and do—bring to their work at the organization,” notes O’Donnell.

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