



  • 目标周转- Five out of six fast food brands in $11 trillion global investor engagement have now publicly stated they will set, or have already set, science based targets (SBTs) to reduce their emissions - up from just two companies last year.
  • 水面弱- 公司在肉类供应链中应对水的稀缺和污染风险的速度要慢得多。
  • TCFD的进展缓慢- Despite progress on climate commitments, none of the six companies have completed or disclosed a TCFD-aligned climate scenario analysis, despite this being强制的in the UK by 2025 and the US Federal Reserve calling for increased disclosure against climate risks.



伦敦和波士顿,2021年4月30日 / 3BL Media / - raybet雷电竞官网一项为期两年的全球投资者与快餐巨头的参与,导致公司提高其气候承诺,面对投资者日益增长的脱碳供应链的压力。

Investors focussed the engagement on six leading fast food chains with a market cap of $260 billion:Chipotle Mexican Grill, Domino’s Pizza, McDonald’s, Restaurant Brands International(Burger King,Popeyes和Tim Hortons的所有者),温迪公司好!品牌(肯德基,披萨小屋和塔可钟的所有者)。

Fast food gets greener

截至今日,其中五个快餐连锁店(麦当劳,百年!品牌,Chipotle,Domino和Wendy's)已经设置了,或者说他们将设定积极的SBT,以减少其排放。That’s in contrast to last year when only one company (McDonald’s) had set a science based target (SBT), and one (好!品牌)宣布打算设定SBT。短短一年内,这种雄心勃勃的承诺的迅速吸收表明,快餐业在投资者的压力上加速对气候的行动加速。


In addition to those five companies, a sixth company,Restaurant Brands International (RBI), has disclosed that it will set a global GHG target that includes its Scope 3 emissions, though it remains unclear whether it will be approved by the Science Based Targets Initiative (see Fig.1 below for full list of commitments).

The coalition, facilitated by global investor networkFAIRR和可持续性组织谷神星, originally launched in January 2019 with the backing of investors with combined assets of $6.5 trillion. Since then, it has grown by 75% to include over 90 investors with combined assets of $11.4 trillion, signalling an increased awareness amongst investors of the threats posed to food systems by climate change, water scarcity, and water pollution.


投资者并不是唯一有兴趣改变的投资者。消费者的转变也在推动快餐公司变得绿色。麦当劳设定为测试今年关键市场的素食主义者麦克普兰特汉堡多米诺骨牌添加plant-based options last year, and Burger King, who launched a new plant-based ‘Rebel Whopper’ in the UK in January, has announced its野心到2030年过渡到其英国菜单的50%到植物性蛋白soaring公众对肉类替代品的需求是这些新产品的驱动因素,这是由于对健康风险,动物福利和牲畜耕作的环境影响的担忧所致。


Fast food faces significant climate risk. This year, US livestock producers face 30%较高的饲料成本due to expanding drought, Texas livestock farmers lost上个月2.28亿美元因暴风雨破坏,新生小牛被杀,放牧田被摧毁,供应链破坏,饲养场空荡荡。对于该行业来说,气候变化已经被证明是昂贵的,而Fairr计算得出,潜在的未来碳税收可能会使40个领先的全球蛋白质生产商进一步增加116亿美元


TCFD-aligned climate disclosure in the agriculture, food and forest products sector linked to company strategy fell by7% between 2017-2019和订婚发现limited progress on TCFD climate risk analysis by all six companies.这些有关投资者的发现,鉴于英国公司将在2025年之前法律上对TCFD进行报告,而美国证券交易委员会(SEC)也开始探索潜在的法规,这些法规要求公司披露其贡献并接触全球变暖。


Although all six companies now acknowledge the materiality of water risks to their supply chains, half haven’t disclosed any assessment of water risks in their supply chains, while efforts to reduce supply chain water use and pollution have been limited in scale and scope.

Kirsten James, Director of Water, Ceres said:“令人鼓舞的是,快餐业在短短两年内应对气候行动方面的进展。但是,我们需要这些相同的公司来加强并做出强大的承诺来解决水的稀缺性和水污染,这在乳制品和肉类供应链中也造成了重大风险。我们希望通过持续深入的参与,投资者可以帮助提高可持续水管理,成为快餐可持续性的下一个领域。”

As the third phase of the investor engagement向其他投资者参与开放,随着公司努力实现雄心勃勃的气候目标,持续的对话将集中在应对水风险和改善气候分析。

Fairr和Coller Capital CIO的创始人Jeremy Coller Foundation负责人Jeremy Coller说:“两年来,投资者一直向快餐店施加压力,要求他们提出食谱,以阻止其巨大的气候风险。在这个突破性的一年中,我们看到了工作的果实:全球管理100,000多家餐厅的快餐连锁店现在正在设定或计划设定积极的气候目标,并承诺将全球变暖在2°C以下。满足这些雄心勃勃的目标的基本要素将是蛋白质多样化。如果要兑现其承诺,快餐需要看到有意义的转变向可持续的植物蛋白产品。”

Aviva投资者的Eugenie Mathieu说:“As investors, we have a vital part to play in the fight against climate change to safeguard our clients’ investments and ensure the stability of our planet and its natural resources. Fast food is a sector that’s highly vulnerable to climate-related risk so it’s encouraging to see so many of the firms in this engagement taking significant steps to reduce their carbon footprint.

“但是,我们现在需要公司在其价值链中应用相同水平的水风险。据估计3001亿美元的业务价值is at risk unless companies improve and innovate around water use, pollution and management. Meat and dairy production uses四分之一of all the global freshwater used worldwide, so we expect better stewardship from the sector. Investors will be watching closely to see how they manage this pressing issue.”

Stephanie Mooij, Responsible Investment Manager at Aegon Asset Management said:“采用雄心勃勃的排放目标的越来越多的快餐公司将向人们越来越了解气候变化成本的注重ESG意识投资者。


Aurora Samuelsson, ESG Investment Analyst at Skandia Mutual Life Insurance Co said:“For many years, fast food has lagged behind other high-emitting sectors when it came to acknowledging and acting on the very serious material and reputational risks associated with rising global temperatures.




Target status







正式的承诺to SBTi





Restaurant Brands International

Publicly陈述intention to set GHG target





Notes to editor

For more information, including interviews and comment, please contact:

Fairr:Sophie Grant,ESG Communications(伦敦)

t:+44(0)7817371323 |E:sophie@esgcomms.com

Ceres: Miranda Cawley, Ceres (Boston)

T:+1 617-247-0700分机。223 |E:mcawley@ceres.org

Note that investors with combined assets of over $11 trillion are backing the Ceres/FAIRR climate and water engagement which is the subject of this press release. FAIRR has more than 200 institutional investors with over $38 trillion of combined assets participating in its activities. The Ceres Investor Network on Climate Risk and Sustainability comprises 163 institutional investors, collectively managing more than $25 trillion in assets.




Fairr倡议是由杰里米·科勒(Jeremy Coller)创立的合作投资者网络,其资产为33万亿美元。Fairr与机构投资者合作,定义与密集的牲畜和养鱼系统有关的材料ESG问题,并为他们提供将这些信息集成到其资产管理和投资决策中所需的工具。这包括Coller Fairr指数,这是全球对环境,社会和治理问题最大的全球动物蛋白公司的首次全面评估。访问www.fairr.org并关注@FAIRRinitiative.

类别: 环境