


2022年4月19日,星期二 - 上午8:00


MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: MKTX), the operator of a leading electronic trading platform for fixed-income securities, and the provider of market data and post-trade services for the global fixed-income markets, today announced the launch of the Company’s 2021 ESG Report.

Marketaxess董事长兼首席执行官Rick McVey说:“在过去二十年来是世界上最大的资本市场变革的催化剂之后,我们了解了在世界上产生有意义影响所需的持续努力。”“我们的ESG战略反映了我们对世界各地社区产生重大积极影响的雄心。这一野心是基于我们的目的:开放全球市场,为依靠它们的公司,机构和个人创造更多机会。”


“我在种植一棵树时的目标是使任何人种植树木并了解重新造林的影响,”一棵树的创始人兼首席环境传播者马特·希尔(Matt Hill)说。“我们通过“树木贸易计划”与Marketaxess的合作关系帮助我们为一些最关键的项目提供了资金,这些项目恢复了重要的生态系统,增强了当地社区的能力并打击气候变化的影响。”


Marketaxess的年度ESG报告现在已进入第三年,重点介绍了该公司在关键ESG地区的进展。今年的报告详细介绍了该公司首个全面,非财务ESG重要性和优先评估的发现,并由可持续性会计标准委员会(SASB)和各种ESG评级机构确定的相关问题和披露主题所告知。As a result, this year’s report includes expanded disclosures on the Company’s progress on diversity, equity, and inclusion and human capital development initiatives, in addition to disclosures on other priority topics identified by the assessment, including customer privacy, data security, ethical conduct of business, and employee health and wellbeing.





该新闻稿可能包含前瞻性陈述,包括有关公司和行业增长的前景和前景的陈述,以及有关公司未来财务和运营绩效的陈述。这些与未来结果和事件有关的陈述是基于Marketaxess当前的期望。由于许多风险和不确定性,包括:全球经济,政治和市场因素,该公司在未来期间的实际结果可能与当前预期或期望的结果有所不同;与Covid-19的大流行有关的风险,包括COVID-19大流行造成的全球经济状况的可能影响;由于气候变化或其他可能影响我们声誉的ESG风险而导致的不利影响;在MarketAxess平台上进行交易量的水平;电子金融服务行业的快速发展的性质;固定收益电子交易行业的竞争水平和强度以及可能导致的定价压力;与我们的数据产品和指数业务有关的声誉或信誉风险;我们增长率的差异; our ability to introduce new fee plans and our clients’ response; our ability to attract clients or adapt our technology and marketing strategy to new markets; risks related to our growing international operations; our dependence on our broker-dealer clients; the loss of any of our significant institutional investor clients; our exposure to risks resulting from non-performance by counterparties to transactions executed between our clients in which we act as an intermediary in matched principal trades; risks related to self-clearing; the effect of rapid market or technological changes on us and the users of our technology; our dependence on third-party suppliers for key products and services; our ability to successfully maintain the integrity of our trading platform and our response to system failures, capacity constraints and business interruptions; the occurrence of design defects, errors, failures or delays with our platforms; our vulnerability to cyber security risks; our actual or perceived failure to comply with privacy and data protection laws; our ability to protect our intellectual property rights or technology and defend against intellectual property infringement or other claims; our ability to enter into strategic alliances and to acquire other businesses and successfully integrate them with our business; our dependence on our management team and our ability to attract and retain talent; limitations on our flexibility because we operate in a highly regulated industry; the increasing government regulation of us and our clients; risks related to the U.K.’s exit from the European Union; our exposure to costs and penalties related to our extensive regulation; our risks of litigation and securities laws liability; our future capital needs and our ability to obtain capital when needed; limitations on our operating flexibility contained in our credit agreement; and other factors. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. More information about these and other factors affecting MarketAxess’ business and prospects is contained in MarketAxess’ periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and can be accessed

玛丽莎·米斯特里(Marisha Mistry)
